So, are your 2017 New Year Resolutions still intact? The key to success is to keep up the momentum of your resolutions from month to month. If you’ve never done it before, this can take a little practice so read on to revisit, re-strategize, and reintroduce yourself to the fabulous version of you that you WILL be becoming during the next 10 months of 2017.
In case you haven’t heard 2016 was totally the year to start making a resolution even if you’ve never made a New Year resolution before and especially if you have totally done it before and quickly vacated the idea before Valentine’s Day even came around. But of course you know there is no shame in the not-keeping-your-resolution game. According to last year’s end of year article in Forbes, only 45% of Americans even make a resolution each year. Though confirmation is hard to come by, the general consensus is that not too many people tend to stick with those resolutions and there’s even a mild “holiday” for people who agree to abandon theirs on January 17th (come on, people, you know it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. Don’t give up just around the corner from success!).
So now that V-day is right around the corner (wow….I just realized it sounds exactly like D-Day…going to leave that one right there), anyway, now that we’re at TWO full months into this fabulous new year, it is the perfect time to gauge where you are, how far you’ve come, and where you’re headed off to next.
For those who did not make any resolutions, here are a few ideas and, even if you did make sound, now is the time to rethink, re-strategize, and really dig your heels and to make sure that this year without star drops in Chicago or the ball descends in New York if further ahead in life than you’ve ever been.
Goals That Will Give You Something Great To Strive For:
• Personal career goals or objectives for your business
• A startup or invention idea that is dear to your heart
• Financial position that you want to see yourself and by the end of this year
• A vision for the types of friendships and relationships you want to be experiencing
• Productive, positive, and posh travel destinations for fun and progress in one of your other goal areas
• An improvement in your home environment or living situation
• A greater understanding of who you are internally and a bond with the purpose you feel led to fulfill
Generally speaking, it is pretty impossible to get to a destination if you don’t know where you’re going. Planning your trip there is the second most important task.
Without knowing where you’re going, though, it is also impossible to create a roadmap for how to get there. That means that if you are destination-less, your daily actions and initiatives can’t possibly be getting you to where you want to go (due to the sans “where you want to go”).
So if you don’t have a plan and you don’t know where you’re going but days, weeks, and months are passing by, it may not take a psychic wizard to predict whether or not he will accomplish any objectives by the end of this year. Therefore, identifying your target is key. To stay motivated, try shaking up your routine a bit. Keep in mind that the new year may provide you with a new slate but so does every day and, if you need something more celebratory, you could make the start of every month you’re new here. Whatever it takes for you to stay out of habitual rut daily actions and do something different so you can obtain a different result.
Going for your dreams is so important right now more so than ever because, truthfully, this may sound weird but there’s just something in the air. I can explain it and I’ve heard other people say it too but I do know I can feel it from the moment it began. Whatever it is I can tell you this much it’s working. Great minds are coming together, heart’s desires are manifesting faster than ever before, and positive energy and powerful momentum are high. Take advantage why you can get down to business.
Maybe be a little sensible, but other than that, BREAK OUT OF THAT BOX!
I understand the logic behind the thought of setting a goal that you feel is “realistic” but perhaps we can change that word to something more ambitious and high-flying. I would rather you set a goal that you feel is attainable rather realistic.
When we say that we are going to be realistic, there is instantly a downturn of a motion. It doesn’t feel exciting or vibrant or shining in any form or fashion. And who wants that? If we say they were going to set goals that are “attainable,” then it feels more like which is gearing up for something awesome. And not just gearing up to want it, finally, but that were actually gearing up to make it happen! Just saying the words sounds so much more empowering and exciting, don’t you think?
So be sure to set attainable goals that have a strong place in your heart and outline the steps you need to take in order to make those calls happen.
Use the comment form below to share your dreams with me and tell us all about your 2016 resolutions and share with us your current progress. Bookmark this page and come back later to tell us about the ongoing achievements so we can all celebrate and stay focused together.
TIP ONE: Write Down Your Goals
This is a simple one that has spoken often but cannot be stressed enough. Writing down your goals is the first step to making them real. Also, when you write them down, you tend to at least occasionally come in contact with them throughout the week as a gentle reminder for keeping yourself on track. Download My Goal-setting Workbook at the bottom of this page for a template you can use in setting your goals and identifying strategies for achieving them.
TIP TWO: Make Sure You Feel At Peace Inside About Every Goal You Set
If you are not sure about a goal, put it aside until you feel 100% certain that is the thing you want to do. Otherwise, if you begin trying to accomplish something that is not settled in your heart, images create friction within yourself and put you in a holding pattern to nowhere. Instead, focus on the goals that you are 100% sure about and come back to anything that needs clarification later on. When you’re ready, you’ll be clear and then you’ll be much more effective and energy towards the goal will be much more potent.
TIP THREE: Tie Your Goals Into Topics That Are Most Important To You
Making your goals match things that matter to you is the best way to get things moving and make sure you obtain your dreams. If you are passionate about what you’re doing, you’re more likely to stick with it and you’re also more likely to attract elements into your life experience that support the thing you are passionate about. That means you will accomplish your goals faster, with less work, and with a more direct road because you will be going down the path of least resistance and when you do that everything in the Universe supports your steps.
TIP FOUR: Don’t Forget The Importance Of Balance And Be Sure To Include Your Personal Needs And Wants
As a current go-getter and reforming workaholic I can totally vouch for the need to focus entirely on one’s work within you have an ambitious plan and a goal-oriented personality. And though I have ignored this advice myself several times including at this very moment, it is still my duty to tell you the best things to do and then let you make your own decision. I love my work. I love it so much it doesn’t feel like work. And I’ll bet there’s something out there that you feel the same way about. The whole purpose of this blog is to help you find and do that thing you love and if you’re already doing it that’s wonderful. Still, balance is important for some reason. There’s something about it that just makes everything else go better. So be sure to also include objectives for the type of relationships you want to maintain, family goals, party time, and any other aspects that fuel your soul and make you feel good.
TIP FIVE: Don’t Care What Anyone Else Thinks
If you do nothing else on this list, please do this one. The first step to having a life you want in a speedy fashion is to focus in on your own heart and your own mind and follow your own internal instincts. There are lots of great quotes about how free life becomes when we stop killing our decisions because of what we think others may say. The most powerful thing you can do is to genuinely not give a shit. It will make you happier, healthier, much more successful, and, in the end, they will love you for it anyway.
For some professional guidance on how to make your new year’s resolutions stick and to jump right in, download my complimentary e-Workbook, “Work | Life Balance” from the image link below: